The International Ford Professor at the Department of Economics and Center for Statistics and Data Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Honorary Professor and CEMMAP Fellow, University College London
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Statistician and Economist, with research work focusing on causal inference with high-dimensional data, applications of machine learning methods, counterfactual and policy analysis, distribution and quantile methods, shape restrictions, partial identification, and extreme value theory.
The International Ford Professor at the Department of Economics and Center for Statistics and Data Science at the MIT, and an International Fellow at CEMMAP, University College London.
Joined MIT in 2000, after completing Ph.D. in Economics at Stanford University in 2000 and M.S. in Statistics from the UIUC in 1997.
Also worked as a Senior Principal Scientist for the Core Artificial Intelligence group at Amazon.com for several years, while on academic leave.
Co-Editor of the Econometrics Journal and an Action Editor of the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Econometric Society, and Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Inaugural Moderator for the Economics section of ArXiv.org launched in 2017.
Co-author of the new Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Statistics at MIT — by the MIT’s Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. Co-author of the new B.S. degree 6-14 in Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science at MIT